Saturday, November 7, 2015

Whose letter is it anyway?

So, I've been trying to figure out some beautifully creative way to wrap up Hebrews but I can only think to end as I began...a rewrite. An "in my own words" book end.
There is much discussion on the identity of the authorship of is that it was written by one (Timothy?) and dictated by another (Paul?). Whose letter is this anyway?
So that would make me a third party transcriber? In other words: Don't take my word on it for yourself.
What we know for sure is to whom this letter was written...the Hebrews (the "Ones who have crossed over"). But it is also to all of us...a letter that has lasted for millennia so that we too may "cross over" to "dwell in the land" of His promise.

Chapter 13 (The point is...)

Do not get in the way of love! Live in love! Let's begin with showing love to complete don't know who they are or what they've been through! They could even be messengers from God Himself!
Live in love! Don't be so absorbed in yourself that you forget your brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith.
For some of you these outer circles of relationships are not a's the closest ones you neglect and abuse.
Live in love with your spouse. Marriage was God's idea to reveal the power and beauty of HIS love to everyone else. So He takes this relationship VERY seriously, and He will address our disregard for this holy foundation of humanity.
When I say "Live in love"...I'm talking about people NOT things...not the ability to get more things.
Loving things will hamper your ability to love God and people.
HE is enough for you!
That's what this whole letter is about! No amount of money, stuff, religious practice, self-preservation tactics...
nothing can add, nothing can top what He offers you!
You are not without examples of men and women who have lived this way, the way of love...the way of faith in Jesus Christ.
Since He never changes, you too may trust Him and follow those who've lived such love out.
But be many people think God's favor can be earned by working hard to follow the rules.
NOTHING garners God's favor except Jesus human life, death and divine resurrection as the perfect and completed and singular work for your life's redemption. He accomplished what we could never accomplish... GOD becoming/living a perfect human life of love.
When you live trusting His act of love as your only may be rejected by the people around you... just as He was!
That's OK, belong to a family and a home that IS and IS coming.
So be thankful! And...
Trust the leadership God has put around you. Sure, there are those from the past to be inspired by but guess what? You also have those who are present to help you now. Not perfect people... not flawless leaders but they are sincerely trying to love and guide you the best they can and they will answer to God for how they lead don't be a pain the neck! That accomplishes nothing and certainly doesn't help the cause of love!
Pray for us (who write this letter), we too are imperfect people but we want to honor God's work in us and we want to accomplish the purpose He has me in prison to do! Please...I hope through your prayers I can love well within these bars so that I may come out from them again and be with you!
Having said all this, the God who restores ALL relationships...the God of love,
who provided His Son for a secure and forever relationship with Him,
this is the God I trust to prepare and enable you to live in love...
this is His will, this is what pleases Him,
this is only possible because Jesus makes it possible.
I strongly encourage you to be patient and carefully consider all I've written...I've said it as succinctly as possible. Watch for Timothy's return from prison...and I hope the sooner you see him the sooner you will see me too!
Share my greetings with everyone
may you humbly enjoy God's rich, lavish favor as you walk through each day "crossing over" into all He has provided for you
in Jesus.