Monday, January 29, 2018

What’s mine, is Yours

My baby had a baby.
Every baby is a miracle;
 some arrivals make that fact a little more obvious.
She was sick.
He was stuck.
We were waiting...
But at 11:12AM,
They rescued him from where a baby cannot stay,
And her from what a momma cannot bare.
In another time or another place
Yesterday may not have been what it was...
And we are so grateful to live here
And to live now!
While I waited I mostly prayed for MY baby,
while she prayed for hers.
This is motherhood: baby
sitting, pressing, calling on your heart.
Don’t get me wrong-
My baby’s baby
Is beautiful, precious.
We already love him with swells and bursts and awe.
But my baby’s baby will make my baby’s life more difficult at times.
So I will first,
Think of the one who came first...the one I like to call “mine”.
What a day!
I don’t remember going to bed last night.
But I remember my dream.
I was was grotesque! My hair fell in a ring,
like a monk, around a circle of white fuzz on the top of my head.
...A scary little subconscious dose
Of the reality of mortality .
So today, I am so grateful to live here
And now
for the One who likes to call me “mine”...
As this life just keeps tromping along!

“Just as a father has compassion on his children,
So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.
For He knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are but dust.
But the lovingkindness of the Lord
Is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him.
And His righteousness to children’s children.”
 Psalm 103:13,17
“I ask on their behalf...of those whom You have given me;
for they are Yours;
And all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are mine...”
Jesus- John 17:9-10a
“This is eternal life, that they may know You,
The only true God, and Jesus Christ
Whom You have sent.” V. 3

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Welcome to the most celebrated holiday in the world! Last night we saw displays of excitement from cultures we never even think about, from intriguing to the bazaar, poignant to pointless. But all having this in common: humans wonder what's to come. 2017 may have left us fleeing into 2018 or reluctantly shoved...but we are all curious about what will fill the next 365 days.
This past year was a constant counting for us;
deadlines and due dates, furniture, children, the stuff of changes...bustling in and out, filling and emptying our house faster than I could sweep up the swirling dust bunnies.
Counting days began in the beginning -when God agreed to make Himself, the immeasurable...measurable and in that moment He made matter, matter.
Days matter. Days are meant to be filled.
After all, what is measuring and counting all about if not to determine fullness
and to evaluate the how and the when of what is spent?
Given all that I wish I had written about on the spending of 2017, I have a new journal for 2018.
It is thick and blank and green.
And I intend to fill it with the black ink of record-keeping, of the how and when my days are filled and drained and filled again.
Will this year be a year when long longings are filled or hidden ones are brutally exposed or when I am simply left to wait to understand the purpose of it all?
Ephesians 4:10 reminds us that Jesus came to "fill all things", even time itself.
Galatians 4:4 says, "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons."
The purpose of time was for God to make himself knowable, tangible, seen and felt and the best representation of all He is and all He meant humanity to be- is Jesus. Jesus IS the purpose of every moment of every day of every year so that the whole earth would be filled with His power and beauty and love. Jesus' life was spent because ours needed to be set back on track, filled and spent on the more we were designed as His children.
I am so thankful for God's power and kindness in redeeming us and the moments of our lives. I'm so thankful for how Jesus emptied Himself so that we could "know the love of Christ which surpasses (mere) knowledge, so that we may be filled up (with the actual experience) of all the fullness of God." Eph. 3:19
I pray that our new days will become exciting displays of His love, power, and beauty.
May the redemption of our moments,
our stupidities and clarities
failures and victories
wanderings and findings
losings and winnings
takings and givings
count when they are counted.