Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Like an artist gathering supplies, God made the heavens and the earth. It was all there. All of the particles that would bump and mingle to make His idea of creation a reality. The invisible was becoming visible. God set up shop and got to work. Bringing order to chaos, He made the raw materials then made the most wondrously complex system of life from them. The light rained down bringing heat, increasing energy and then He drew the water up and made the atmosphere. And this, God called "Heaven". An atmosphere suddenly surrounded a hydrosphere...a vapor encircled a watery, gravely globe. "He stretched out the heavens like a curtain" Is.40:22, providing a protection for the living to come. There was evening, there was morning- day 2.

"The height of the heavens should mind us of God's supremacy, and the infinite distance that is between us and him; the brightness of the heavens, and their purity, should mind us of his majesty, and perfect holiness; the vastness of the heavens, and their encompassing the earth, and influence upon it, should mind us of his immensity and universal providence." Wesley's Explanatory Notes

The more I dig into the grounds of my faith, the more I am convinced of the truth of it. Just as light "exploded into light", faith explodes into faith. I am not a scientist; but astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, physics (etc.) in and of themselves provide few conclusions.... only more questions. It is not science alone that proves or disproves God and is faith. It is where you find your beginning. My beginning is "in the beginning God"...from there I am amazed and overwhelmed 
at the proof of Him.

Sinking to inverted rim
Fraying edges...
tearing free.
Arcing center

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