Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Consider This...Hebrews 3

My house is silent except for the humming of my space heater. This is a part of my love affair with winter. Winter freezes you! It forces the busy Northeast into some measure of stillness...and the busy bees hate it so! How dare nature intervene in production!
...gotta get the nectar
...gotta work the hive
...gotta make the honey
      Even if we are lazy in our work ethic we may still be frantic in our spirits...restless, seeking, striving. People, God Himself rested! AND He offers us rest.
Why can't we let ourselves stop? Hebrews offers an answer: unbelief.
My daughter shared this thought from Beth Moore- "We may think we believe in God...but do we BELIEVE God? Do we believe what He says...do we believe what He promises? Do we believe what is true about who He is?"
Hebrews 3:1b "...consider Jesus".
Stop your crazy pace and take the time to get to know Him and what He taught about His Father. And as you do consider this as well:  Our opinions on God's wrath can be a barrier to belief and consequently, rest. Verses like: "...I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest." Heb. 3:11, cause us no small measure of doubt.
I offer the following thoughts on what wrath is and how it perfectly fits with the character of a loving God,
a God we can trust,
a God we want to believe.
Wrath is anger producing/inflicting injury.
Anger is a strong emotion that sets us into action. Godly anger is specifically against wrongs, injustices...all that is less than all that He made it to be.
Inflicting means to impose something unwanted.
Injury can be redefined by the word humiliation...i.e. mortification.
Mortification means a cutting away, a death of a part for the life of the whole.
In putting these together, my opinions on God's wrath have shifted profoundly.
God in His complete revulsion over the destruction of His creation was set into motion against the destroyer. His acts of violence are His stand against death, against disease, against injustice for men and women who think His ways an imposition. When men trample each other in pursuit of more nectar, when they work and worry themselves to death, when they sicken themselves with sweets that are bitter to the core...God says "NO!  You will not get away with it because I made you for so much more" To which men cry..."God, you're a tyrant or you don't exist!"
It often seems God is against us;
But here's another definition for you-
Against means both "opposed to" and "in contact with"
Our creator made us to know and be known by Him. He has not deserted us. He does not hate us. He must cut away what is killing us and oppose what is robbing us blind while remaining in contact with us.
Every person has within them a spirit that was made to know God, but in His love He offers each one a choice. For there to be love, there must be a choice. For there to be a choice, there must be opposing options. If there are opposing options, there will be conflict. Where there is conflict, there will be pain.
But for the pain, God gave us Himself.

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died FOR us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him."
1 Thessalonians 5:3

So, "Consider Jesus..." (v. 1b)

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