I've been praying.
Praying things heavy.
Praying things unknown by me.
Praying Colossians 2:1-10
Praying, that we, the ones who've called Him our God...
would have hearts that would be encouraged as a result of loving relationships with each other.
Praying that we would all continue to gather the kind of wealth that comes from confidence that we are on a journey of understanding;
and this journey will take us into a real and intimate knowing of Jesus.
Who He was,
Who He is
and in whom are ALL the other priceless things we long to know
and need to know
of what is true-
good and beautiful.
Again, the path to understanding what life is about
is in him.
I pray this -
to remind us not to be fooled, deluded
by persuasive argument.
For even though I am limited in time, in space, in my humanity
His Spirit in me and in you...
can grant the clarity we long for,
and in disciplining our minds
to be informed by our hearts
that must be informed by HIS Spirit...
we can be glad
so thankful
for the stability
HE grants our faith.
For how can we expect that minds and hearts formed in a twisted version of what is true, good and beautiful have any hope of discovering it through those same twisted sources?
Twisted philosophies
Twisted imaginations
Twisted reasonings
As we have received Christ Jesus the Lord...
(by faith not reason, philosophy or imagination or the most thorough liturgy)
SO walk in Him.
Continue on, BY FAITH...(the vision of what is physically unseen - but
of the Spirit), known through relationship with Him.
Our faith is not stupid, concocted foolishness
when it is rooted in the reality of love with Him.
Having been FIRMLY rooted, built up in Him.
Continue in faith!!
You've learned already...so be thankful for all that groundwork!
See to it...you must watch over your mind and heart and all the work that has been accomplished in you already.
If you are not diligent in your faith, nurturing and caring for your relationship, your heart connection with Him who made you,
you are susceptible to be swept away and captivated by philosophy
empty reasoning from empty hearts, fooled into reasoning away the Creator...
who set aside their origins by things passed down from other men
of limited and twisted understanding.
Human smarts will NEVER equal godly wisdom.
They are not one and the same!
Instead, look to the One who came to untwist us
our Savior, Jesus Christ.
For in Him and Him alone
ALL that is beyond us
greater than us
truer than us
lives in the flesh!
Redeeming all that our flesh was meant to be.
We do have an authority.
We do have a place to go for answers.
We do have a dependable final WORD.
And He and only He
will make everything right again.
Wow! I am sorry I missed this blog earlier but am so encouraged by it now! God’s vision for our faith is throughout this writing. Thank you!