"Then the Lord God said, It is NOT good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."
Man alone was not
good. In other words, man alone could not fulfill his created purpose: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth" 1:28. Man as a reflection of God's image must also produce life and be an extension of God's authority on earth. Adam could not fulfill his mission alone.
Man and woman...a match made in heaven.
Man and woman...a team to display God's glory on earth.
Man and woman...an interdependent unit, a microcosm of the Holy Trinity.
And God said, "Very good" at the completion of His creation.
I have my personal convictions of what it means to be created as a "helper suitable for him".
For starters, I see equality in essence, in purpose and in value.
Yet, He created them male and female; distinct in gender and in function.
Woman was made, not directly from dust as Adam was, but from Adam. Like it or not, man is woman's starting point and though equipped to give birth, a woman cannot do so without the initiation of the man. There is a created order that throughout history has been abused, but must be recognized.
Man is NOT superior to woman but within a marriage, there is a divine pattern for harmony and fulfillment of purpose.
When Phil and I were considering engagement, he told me that "I was made for him". I bristled at the comment...I still do! The idea that I was made for Phil's personal agenda is not what I am suggesting with all this talk. I was made "suitable for"
God's personal agenda in creating man: a human race that is fruitful and displays Himself as the ultimate authority in life.
Each family will carry this mission out uniquely for although there is a general commission for all of us there is a specificity for each of us. How a wife "helps" each husband will be unique because each husband is unique. Think of how many cells make up a living organism...each cell making its own contribution. The family is like a cell functioning uniquely to fulfill the ultimate purpose of displaying a living and infinite God.
It is a weighty responsibility for a husband to seek God so intensely that He knows God's mission and leads his family in understanding and in humility before Him.
It is a weighty responsibility for a wife to seek God so intensely that she assists her husband in fulfilling God's mission and nurtures her family in understanding and in humility before Him.
I offer the following opinions with all sensitivity and respect-
Two people considering marriage must ask this critical question: "Is it 'good' that
we two...become one?" If a woman does not fit with a man's particular mission, he is not the man for her! If a man doesn't know his particular mission, it's not time to get married!
I am thankful that Phil and I are on mission together.
Together, we desire to convey: Him; through our children and through our particular contribution to the world around us.
The following link is for consideration: http://cbmw.org/uncategorized/summaries-of-the-egalitarian-and-complementarian-positions/.