Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My brain is so tired. I have studied, for now, all that I can to understand God's creative work. How mind-blowing! My heart has been thrilled in worship through the time spent reading as many sources of scientific research as I can manage. Someday, I may return...it is endless. The sources were of great variety. The theories of science do not cause me to dismay but to tear up with awe. Yes, I studied some Darwin and disciples. Yes, I read an "evolutionist/creationist", and of course my past if full of pure creationism. I have also tried to be true to the Hebrew meanings behind words like: "created", "let there be", "made" etc.
I am convinced that I could spend more than the rest of my life in this study and still end up affirmed and confirmed that:
God is
and God is great.
My writing cannot reveal all that has transpired in my heart and mind and more than ever before, I have a deep sense of both the limits and vastness of the universe and humanity. 
How did the world begin? With God communicating Himself through what He made. We are driven, in a very small but similar way to communicate ourselves through creativity...a making of something new. I offer this paraphrase of Gen.1, not as an authority but as a meager meditation of the new things He is teaching me. I hope readers will go read and tire their own brains with the in-exhaustive work of God, the Creator
...their Creator.

"In the beginning, God shaped something new...the heavens and the earth.
"And God said, (to his creation) now is the time to produce light"...and His creation obeyed.
God saw that it was the right thing at the right time.

Next, God stretched out the heavens and called to the waters and there was a surface to His creation...a line of distinction between God and His universe.

Then, God spoke again..."Now, waters collect into seas so that this gravel becomes land mass."
And again God could see the goodness of what was happening.
He knew the time had come to release out of the earth, the simplest forms of life. And all the life-giving potential He produced within the earth, "in the beginning", shot up through the soil, and multiplied.

On the fourth day, it was time to attend to the heavens again because the vegetation would need just the right amount of light and darkness. There was a perfect balance necessary for earth to sustain life. God, Himself accomplished this perfect balance.

And so the earth was ready for more complex life and again He made something new, living beings. He filled the sea and the sky with them, creatures to move and breathe. God was very pleased.

Ah, now...the excitement growing, God produced again from the earth something even more amazing...more intricate: "beasts of the earth". As the chains of DNA dictated different kinds, life multiplied again into creatures with unique systems to live on the land. God observed His work, "good...but not finished".
...not finished because even amidst all of that wonder there was still nothing to represent all that God was, all that He is. Even these beautiful beasts lacked the capacity to know Him...relate to Him.
So God the Father conversed with His Son and His Spirit and together, they made man. At last, God could have relationship beyond Himself. He could extend his love, His joy, His understanding to man...thinking, feeling, relating, discerning man. 

Man partnered with God that day to continue organizing creation. All of that life-force would need constant attention to keep it running well. Man is God's chosen manager of His creative work. But man, a masterpiece of God's likeness, would do better in partnership too. Man alone could not multiply. Man alone could not fully reflect the complexity and beauty of God. God began with Adam but He completed His image with Eve. 
The eco-system would now function in perfect harmony.
God took it all in. "This is good beyond good." 

There was now nothing to add, nothing to perfect, so God enjoyed it all. 

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