Monday, September 15, 2014

Gen. 3:7-9 "What's become of you?" - Shame part 1

It seems at times, I wear my life
like an ill-fitted garment.

Reluctant to reach if ripping
Unwilling to run if tripping

Afraid I'll be exposed or fall
But perhaps it's not the fit at all.

Leaves picked in newly private places.
Conscience pricked in freshly wrecked regard.
Contaminates contaminated.
Man, made from the dust...
found a dirty self unearthed
and he ran to bury it.
Everything right felt wrong.
Everything around them-wrong.
Everything between them-wrong.
Everything about them?
What would God, the only thing- the only one still right, think?

In the gentle breezes of the day, God's presence stirred the garden. No, He was not content to wind up his world like a clock and let it tick away like a bomb because God is not simply the Creator.
God is Father. On the day He was betrayed; God the Father pursued his children.
"Where are you?" or "What's become of you...why are you hiding?" God called to the man.
This was not a shattered God gasping, "For shame!"
This was a grieved God offering reconciliation.

How like the Father is the Son who, though betrayed, calls His people out of hiding..."What's become of you? Come!"
How like the Father is the Son, who calls us back to freedom..."Why are you hiding? Come"!
He calls you back to all that's right...
He calls you back to life...
Revelation 2-3, 22:12-17

1 comment:

  1. The enemy of our souls..., using shame to make us believe we are disconnected. Using shame to enhance any sense of abandonment..., that doesn't exist. Using shame to make us think we are unloved and orphans.

    He's defeated! We are not Fatherless!

    Great post ....


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