Last Christmas one of my children was severely disappointed with a promised gift. The request made, the wait long, the hopes high...the gift? Not quite right.
Advent celebrates promises kept in answer to the desperate need of God's people.
The requests- made
The wait- long
The hopes- high.
The gift?
The Gospels share personal stories of personal experiences with The Gift.
But before we get to Mary,
the fruit of Mary’s womb
root of Jesse.
The story is God's, but I am in the story...
Trace the tree of life and see
Fruit to bloom and bloom to leaf
Leaf to limb, and limb to bough
Bough to bole and bole to root…and
Jesus there as well
Jesus fruit
And Jesus root.
The beginning and the end.
I am only
But I played a part in the epoch of eternity...
Like two trees growing side by side
Zechariah and I
Were grafted together in the soil of our faith
I thought:
If I were as big as God
I would press my cheek upon cerulean blue
Roll back the cloudy covers
reach through atmosphere and ages.
And wrap My people in My promise…
But I was only Elizabeth;
Old, disgraced in barrenness
I was Elizabeth…
“My God is an oath”
…that’s what my parents named me
it IS what God became to me…
The promise keeper, The promise kept
And all the years of shame were swept
By Immanuel.
He was Zechariah.
“The Lord recalled”
…that’s what his parents named him-
it IS what God became to him…
The Lord remembered, He could not forget…
and the months of voiceless wonder met
Who was the voice.
He was John.
“The Lord is gracious”
…that’s what we were told to name him-
it IS what God became to him…
The Lord showed favor to His elect
And the hopes of hearts in waiting set
To rest
in Immanuel.
“The Lord IS gracious”!
I carried the messenger
of Immanuel.
I felt him leap
In the presence of
The fetal Messiah
I knew him as son
whom you call:
“John the Baptizer”.
I raised
the martyred messenger
of the risen Christ,
I am only
But I
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited us
and accomplished redemption for His people, remember His holy covenant give His people the knowledge of salvation, by the forgiveness of sins,
Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Luke 1: 68, 72b, 77-79